Vikings Season 5 Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Spoiler & News (Most Updated)
Vikings Season 5 Release Date: Michael Hirst's endeavour Vikings is one of the most watched television series among all the tv fanatics. Inspired by the story of the legendary Viking ruler Ragnar Lothbrok, the plot line of the historical drama series is widely emphasised on Ragnar's group of Viking brothers and how he emerges as the ruler of Viking tribes with the help of his family. Ragnar's deeds were so inspiring that they were mentioned in Old Norse poetry and several sagas and he being the scourge of England and France he was quite fearless and personified the Norse traditions of being devotional to the gods.

It has also been said by the legends that Ragnar was a descendant of the widely revered god Odin. And with such an intense storyline Vikings fetched an innumerable number of prestigious awards and got nominated for seven Emmys and gained immense recognition among the fandom. Travis Fimmel who depicts the character of Ragnar Lothbrok has successfully established the exact requirement of the scenarios with extreme excellence and has fetched quite a lot of positive responses for that.
The showrunners of Vikings have delivered four victorious seasons till date and each one of them has been extremely intriguing. The first season which kick-started on March 3, 2013, could very well keep up with the expectations of the viewers as it portrayed how Ragnar finally figures out the way which would help him to sail his ships towards the west. And another engrossing part of the season was when Earl Haraldson's future is read and right after that he gets to know about how Ragnar is in search for his death.
The second instalment of the series also left the viewers in awe as it depicted how the Wessex Viking raid is all set to gear up and King Ecbert is in absolute shock, as he gets to know about his new foe. The season also focused on the arguments taking place between Ragnar and King Horik and how King Ecbert eyes on an entirely new alliance. While the third season emphasised on Ragnar's embarking on an all new journey of a king, and the ups and downs faced by his ex-wife Legertha, son Bjorn, brother Rollo and princess Aslaug.
However, viewers were extremely overwhelmed when Vikings Season 4 hit the television screens as it escalated the potency level of the plot line more. The season depicted the return of Ragnar and his band of Viking brothers to Kattegat and another thing which the viewers had to look forward to the fourth instalment was the budding closeness between Ragnar and his new slave Yidu.
Vikings Season 4: The Passing of Ragnar and Ecbert
The fourth season of Vikings had all the reasons to dread its fans with every blink of an eye because of the brutal deaths of some of the pivotal characters in the series. The demise of King Ragnar Lothbrok made the viewers literally weep when he was killed by King Aelle in East Anglia. The way Ragnar was thrown into his grave with venomous snakes all over his body might have been extremely disturbing for his fans but Raganar did not fail to play his cards even while he was preparing himself to get carried away on the death bed. Ragnar was seen giving the ultimate strength to Ivar when he said that Ivar should emerge as a powerful individual so that he can spread trepidation everywhere. And one of the most jaw-dropping things in their conversation was Ragnar influencing Ivar to kill King Ecbert despite Ragnar assuring Ecbert of putting blame of his death on Aelle.
On the other hand, when Ecbert got to know that he is almost out of his powers, the ambitious king finally made his son Aethelwulf the ultimate king of Wessex and handed over a land to Bjorn. However, Ecbert was left with a dispirited heart after all the circumstances and he figured out only one solution to achieve solace which led to him committing suicide. And Aelle’s death caused due to the punishment of Blood Eagle was also one of the intriguing parts of the season.
Another jaw-dropping death which took place in Viking Season 4 was the demise of Helga, she was known for showering immense love to Floki and her disappearance from his life is surely going to make Floki’s journey gut-wrenching. However, Helga was killed by the girl who she had adopted during a raid in Spain, and the viewers predicted the little girl took revenge by killing Helga as her mother was decimated by the Vikings.
Aslaug getting killed by Lagertha was also equally shocking but Lagertha taking over the throne of Norway was quite anticipated by the viewers. Therefore, she did rise to the ultimate glory after Aslaug’s death.
And another demise which took place in Vikings Season 4 was the demise of Ragnar and Aslaug’s son Siguard who was killed by Ivar when he was opposing of getting departed from his brothers.
Therefore, now that these deceased characters are not going to be seen in Vikings Season 5, let’s have a look at some of the cast members who are going to be in the limelight in the fifth season of Vikings.
Vikings Season 5 Air Date/Release Date
The anticipation surrounding any official information about Vikings Season 5 has been palpable, and matters reached a crescendo when it was revealed that the show’s filming had already begun. Not only have the associated actors been teasing a whole lot of information from the sets, but additionally, it all looked very promising. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the creators announced the release date of Vikings Season 5. While the wait has been long, the good news was finally shared during the SDCC 2017. Fans can now look forward to November 29 as the series premiere date on History. As is usual, Vikings Season 5 will be aired in two installments, with the second one following soon after the conclusion of the first half.
To bring our attention back to the series premiere, the new season of the historical drama series will kick off with a two-hour long episode, much to the delight of fans. As we all know, season 4 had ended with a bang, and we can definitely expect many of the power structures to tilt in the upcoming entry. There is thus little doubt as to why the next season will need such a grand opening. It's worth mentioning here that with You TV Player you will be able to watch Vikings Season 5 faster without any trouble. So you may give it a try if you want to.
Vikings Season 5 Cast and Crew
The star cast of any award-winning television series is the heart of the show, they have all the possibilities to win millions of hearts by establishing the intensity of the scenarios with extreme excellence. Likewise, the star cast of Vikings have also become some of the favourite characters in every household. The historical drama television series created its own space inside millions of hearts, as the fans wept as well as smiled in the ups and downs of every character. And now that the fifth instalment of Vikings is expected to kick-start in 2017, fans are extremely impatient to know who will take the limelight this time and who will go through several hardships.
Vikings Season 5 Expected Cast
Viking leader and a commander

We have already seen the fourth son of Ragnar slogging to walk in Wessex when he had gone with his father to the South of Great Britain. Ivar was influenced by Ragnar to kill Ecbert when he had the last conversation with him. And now that he has turned into a revengeful soul because of Ragnar’s death he will be seen forming his own army to attack Bishop Heahmund and his army men who was introduced at the end of Vikings Season 4. It is quite obvious that the showrunners are going to make Ivar one of the most crucial characters of Vikings Season 5 as speculations are at rife regarding his character. Therefore, it can be anticipated that Ivar and Heahmund’s ultimate rivalry will be the driving force in Vikings Season 5. With the urge of raiding all over the world Ivar will be witnessed proceeding towards becoming as powerful as his father Ragnar in season 5 which indicates that the new installment will emphasize on Ivar’s character on a larger extent.
Reigning Queen of Denmark

The fandom has already seen Lagertha killing Aslaug in the fourth season of Vikings due to which she became the queen of Denmark and now her character would have a lot to put forward in season five. On the other hand, Ivar is extremely furious regarding Lagertha as his mother was killed in her hands, so innumerable questions have already started pouring in regarding the scenario which might take between bothe of them in Vikings season 5. However, Lagertha is definitely going to turn more powerful in the upcoming installment as she might have bigger plans and some fans have also predicted that she might defeat King Herald in season five as he will try his utmost to take over the throne of Denmark.
Son of Ragnar and Lagertha

Son of Lagertha and Ragnar, Bjorn along with Ubbe will be witnessed battling great fights in season 5, reports have also mentioned that Bjorn will try his utmost to fulfill Ragnar’s wishes in the upcoming installment. Therefore, the viewers may expect him to fight with the same zeal and dedication which his father had. And sources have also highlighted that in memories of his father, Bjorn along with his half-brother Ubbe will be witnessed hunting for rich lands in order to farm on it as Ragnar always believed in it.
Bishop of Sherborne

Portrayed by Jonathan Rhys Meyers the character of Bishop Heahmund will be highly emphasized in Vikings Season 5. Bishop was introduced at the end of season four and will be seen forming his own army in the fifth installment of Vikings to make a possible attack Ivar and his army men. Hence, this is something that the viewers are impatiently waiting to witness in the upcoming installment. Jonathan Rhys Meyers is recognized for his notable acting skills in August Rush, Dracula and The Tudors, therefore, the excitement level has already sink in for his fans and now they are curiously waiting watch what exactly Bishop Heahmund has in store for them.
Boat Builder and Incorrigible Trickster

Floki is surely going to be in a vulnerable state in Vikings Season 5 after the death of Helga which occurred in the fourth installment. One of the most predicted things regarding Floki which is doing the rounds at this point of time is that, he might discover Iceland in the upcoming season of Vikings. Therefore, manufacturing Viking longboats and sailing them may turn out to be extremely helpful for Floki in season 5.
Brother of Ragnar, Prince of Frankia

Essayed by Clive Standen Rollo is the elder brother of Ragnar, he has gone through a lot of struggles which has made him a daunting warrior. The subject of jealousy was often witnessed between Rollo and Ragnar initially but eventually, they started making peace with each other. However, Rollo was first seen by the viewers in the episode "Rites of Passage".
King of Vestfold & Rogaland

We have already seen the Scandinavian warlord falling for a girl named Ellisif, who once told him that she will only end up marrying him if he becomes the king of Norway. But King Harald’s love interest kept thinking that he will never be able to triumph the throne of Norway and got hitched to an earl. Herald finally figured out the intentions behind her mind but a twist in the plot line came in when Harald killed the earl. This made the Ellisif extremely revengeful as she wanted to kill Herald but she pretended to apologize just to be in his good books so that she can eventually fetch her ultimate goal.
However, her intensions could not be hidden for a longer period of time as Harald’s brother Halfdan figured it out and ended up killing her.Harald has an excessive emotional attachment with his brother Halfdan and is known for bestowing immense love on him. He had joined Ragnar in season 4 and accompanied him to Paris for raiding the city. And on the other hand he also shook hands with Bjorn to raid the Mediterranean Sea. And Harald is definitely going to be one of the central characters of Vikings Season 5.
Princess of Kattegat

The former slave of Aslaug who was freed earlier and became a shield maiden is a resident of Kattegat and Ubbe’s wife. The sons of Ragnar use her as their shared lover which she has never complained of but Hvitserk has an enormous soft corner for her as he is deeply in love with Margrethe. Ivar once witnessed her having a passionate intercourse with Hvitserk and Sigurd which lead to jealousy.
And right after that he spoke with his brothers in order to have sex with Margrethe and lose his virginity to her. Ivar did end up with her on the bed but the sexual intercourse between them could not please Margrethe to a larger extent.Margrethe is in love with both Ubbe and Hvitserk and her husband has allowed her to meet Hvitserk often but she also makes sure that Ubbe do not feel insecure at any point of time. However, Margrethe will be pretty much in the limelight on Vikings Season 5 as she has been shown as Lagertha’s second-in-command along with Torvi in the trailer of the upcoming instalment.

We already said Jonathan Rhys Meyers is coming to Vikings and now we are happy to make an announcement that former WWE Superstar Edge has joined the cast of Vikings Season 5. He’ll be appearing in a recurring role in the hit History drama series. Adam Copeland is all set to play a character named Ketill Björnsson who is fierce warrior know for his bravery and personally chosen by Floki as one of the Viking group who will be traveling to Iceland in order to set up a community in the country. Ketill Björnsson is nicknamed Flatnose and was a Norse King of the Isles of the 9th century. As per history, Flatnose along with his family had eventually migrated to Iceland.
Copeland had a long tenure in the professional wrestling promotion WWE and is an even member of the WWE Hall of Fame. This isn’t the first time the Copeland is acting. He had previously appeared on Syfy’s Haven as a recurring character named Dwight Hendrickson and again in a WWE’s action-thriller Interrogation. Copeland had also done appeared fantasy film Highlander: Endgame and WWE Studios' Bending the Rules and made guest appearances on television shows like Weakest Link, Mind of Mencia, Deal or No Deal, MADtv, and The Flash.
The Oracle of Kattegat

Kattegat’s oracle, The Seer can predict the future with his supernatural powers who has the abilities to converse with the gods and figure out a person’s fate or whatever is about to happen in his/her life. The Vikings think that their fate has been already written due to which they have been often witnessed asking Seer about their future. Seer will be seen hinting the upshot of Ragnar’s demise in season 5 as he says “The consequences of Ragnar’s death are not yet played out” in the sneak peak video of Vikings Season 5. Therefore, he might reveal the future or the turmoil which are going to take place much before its occurrence.
King of Wessex and Mercia

The son of Ecbert Aethelwulf was already handed over a land by his father in season 4 and now it has been predicted that he might join Bishop an make a possible attack on Denmark. Known for being a dutiful son, Aethelwulf is also recognized for being highly short-tempered and his father Ecbert has played a huge role in pushing him towards all the wrongdoings. But the trust which he had in Ecbert soon started changing after he was sent to Mercia. And witnessing him becoming one of the pivotal characters of Vikings Season 5 will be extremely intriguing.
Third-in-command To queen Lagertha

We have already seen Astrid’s appearance in the fourth season of Vikings as Lagertha’s partner. And it is quite obvious that she will be seen getting over protective towards Lagertha yet again in Vikings Season 5, especially when she gets threats from Ragnar’s sons. And we can also see Torvi, Astrid and Lagertha coming together for their desires yet again in Vikings Season 5.

Ragnar and Aslaug's first son Ubbe's loyalty is quite questionable towards his father and has been witnessed having a tiff with his brother Bjorn.

Hvitserk maintains a good relationship with his brother Ubbe and is an extremely short tempered character as he has grown up without his father.
Vikings Season 5 First Look
The makers of the intriguing historical drama series finally rolled out the first look of Vikings Season 5, and it features three of the most pivotal characters of the upcoming entry. The pictures focus entirely on Bishop Heahmund, Ivar, and Bjorn and we can certainly predict something out of it.
Fans did get a hint of Ivar’s fate in the forthcoming entry through the leaked images. Ivar looks quite agitated in the picture as it seems like he is screaming out of dissatisfaction in the rain. Bishop Heahmund, on the other hand, looks extremely determined in the picture as it appears like he is all set to triumph the war.

There were rumors that Ivar and Heahmund will be having a huge face-off in the new installment but the all new pictures of Vikings Season 5 indicate something else. We cannot really draw a line right away as we certainly have to wait for the telecast of the fifth installment to know the exact truth.

The first look pictures of the upcoming entry also include an image of Bjorn who is seen riding on a camel in the desert. His purpose of being in a desert cannot be predicted right now, but he surely must have some motive behind it. It has been said that Bjorn may die in Vikings Season 5 while raiding in Mediterranean and it has also been said that viewers can witness some other central characters breathing their last in the next installment of the series

The first look pictures of Vikings Season 5 have indeed raised the excitement level of people due to which they are now looking forward to some more revelations regarding the installment. We can certainly get some more insight into the happenings of Vikings Season 5 in the coming days as new reports regarding the entry emerge almost every other day.
Vikings Season 5 Spoilers and Speculations
The excitement has already set in for the fans as Vikings Season 5 has higher chances of hitting the television screens towards the end of 2017. Therefore, the viewers have been anxiously waiting to know what would be the circumstances in the upcoming season.
The fans saw Ragnar’s brother Rollo getting back to Normandy in Vikings Season 4 due to which they wonder whether the character is ever going to come back on the show. Even the sneak peak video of the next season which came out quite a few days back did not even depict a glance of Rollo which made the doubts stronger. But all the Clive Standen fans had a reason to sigh when the actor himself confirmed the return of Rollo on the fifth season of Vikings. He not only cleared the doubts of people but also hinted that this time the viewers are going to witness something different about his character, an all new Rollo rather. So we wonder how exactly the change would turn out to be, would he reveal something about himself? Or will Rollo end up doing something absolutely unimaginable?
- We all know that how desperately King Harald has been eyeing on the throne of Norway and he is definitely going to play an extremely pivotal part in Vikings Season 5. The fans have already seen him accompanying Ragnar to raid Paris and Bjorn to raid Mediterranean Sea and tells him that he do not have any interest in conquering Kattegat. But this time Harald might betray the Lothbrok family in order to take over the throne of Norway. The sneak peak video of the upcoming instalment has also depicted Harald wearing a typical crown which is generally worn when someone becomes the King of Norway. He is also witnessed laughing away to glory in that particular scene, so does that mean that Harald will finally achieve his ultimate motto in Vikings Season 5?
- A tiff may also take place between Lagertha and Harald in the next instalment as he had once attacked Kattegat by sending a troop of army out there. But it could not be hidden from Lagertha for a longer span of time as she soon got to know about the attackthat was made by Harald and now she is quite aware about Harald’s wish of becoming the ultimate king of Norway.
- A major brawl between Bjorn and Ivar might also emerge in the upcoming season of Vikings as the ideologies of both the brothers differ to a larger extent. Both Bjorn and Ivar want to raid all over the world but Ivar believes in violence and killing people, while Bjorn is fond of farming and follows the footsteps of Ragnar, he also has an urge of figuring out faraway lands. And this may lead to a massive turmoil between the brothers.
- Lagertha is definitely going to fetch the limelight this time but reports also say that she may take her last breath in Vikings Season 5 as her death has been predicted by Seer. Vikings Season 4 depicted the deaths of several pivotal characters and we can expect more of it in the next instalment as well.
- The former slave of Aslaug, Margrethe is also going to be in the limelight in Vikings Season 5 as Ivar is extremely agitated with her. Ivar figured out that he could not sexually pacify her on the bed due to which he wanted to kill Margrethe right away. He feared of her shouting out loud about his incapabilities of satisfying a woman and tried to strangle her but petrified Margrethe promised not to disclose the fact to anyone. But that didn’t turn up to be like that as she revealed everything to Sigurd and he ended up taunting Ivar about it which pissed him off to a larger extent. And now we may witness Ivar taking his revenge from Margrethe in Vikings Season 5.
- One of the most discussed speculations which is surely going to take place in the next instalment is the battle between Ivar and Bishop Heahmund’s army men. Bishop made his very first appearance in the Historical drama series in second part of season 4 and the warrior of England may capture Hvitserk and Ubbe in Vikings Season 5. On the other hand the sneak peak video of the upcoming season portrayed Bishop slashing the head of a person who resembled Ubbe from the back. So does that mean that the fans are going to witness the death of Ubbe in Vikings Season 5?
- Helga’s death in Vikings season 4 was extremely heart-wrenching for Floki but something may turn out to be in his favour in the next instalment. He is expected to discover Iceland in Vikings Season 5 and the speculation emerged as it has been teased in the sneak peak video of the instalment. And another rumour which has been associated with Floki is that he may end up marrying once again.
- However, the sneak peak video of Viking Season 5 also depicted the funeral of Sigurd as everyone gathers in front of his grave. And it will be portrayed in the initial part of the instalment.
- Recent reports have highlighted that the filming of Vikings Season 5 has finally come to an end and the next installment of the show would be featuring 20 episodes. However, now that we hear that the shoot has concluded it seems that the makers of Vikings are only left with the post production work to get done with.
- Several reports regarding Sigurd’s come back started pouring in and even now the news is trending on the internet. We all know that he was killed by his brother in the previously aired season and this has been mentioned in this article as well. But now it seems that the character could possibly make a comeback. Many fan theories are also saying the same thing but we can only be sure about the speculation when the new entry hits small screens. But witnessing that won’t only be unusual but will also turn out to be extremely thrilling.
- We had already spoken about the possible brawl between Ivar and Bjorn but it seems that there is more to the latter’s character. Sources have shed light on Bjorn’s fate in the upcoming season of Vikings as it has been said that he could go to the Mediterranean Sea once again to raid. But this time something shocking might take place while Bjorn does the raiding as he might get killed there. This news is certainly a shocker for the Vikings Fans and now they are wondering what else could take place in the new installment.
- Coming to Rollo’s character, he could be seen in a different avatar in Vikings Season 5. And this news got pointed out when Clive Standen himself teased about the same due to which people are quite satisfied now as some of them thought that he might not appear on the show anymore. Therefore, the exhilaration of viewers has surely soared higher.
- We did get some more ideas about Vikings Season 5 when sources said that Ivar could possibly kill Bishop Heahmund in the next entry. People are already predicting a big clash between the two characters in Vikings Season 5. And Heahmund’s death may leave some viewers dispirited. He was introduced in the previous installment, and several fans have liked his presence on the show. Therefore, they might not be happy if showrunners decide to exclude the character. But the news is not officially confirmed now due to which we cannot draw the line at this point.
- It seems that the showrunners have added retired professional wrestler Edge (Adam Joseph Copeland) to the star cast. It has been pointed that he will appear on Vikings Season 5 as a recurring character. This news sounds quite exhilarating and thrilling due to which people are certainly waiting to see him on the show.
- We have already seen the engaging trailer of Vikings Season 5 and one can surely predict few things out of it if he/she has watched the trailer closer. The most important thing which we noticed was an indication of a civil war as that is definitely happening. Bjorn was even witnessed saying that “a civil war can only bring tragedy.” The big battle will take place between Lagertha and Ivar, the former’s squad includes Ubba, Bjorn, and Halfdan “The Black” (he happens to be King Herald’s brother) and other army men. Ivar, on the other hand, will pair up with Hvitserk.
- Speaking about the segregation of both the squads, fan theories say that there is a valid reason for Ubba to join hands with Lagertha. Ubba was extremely close to his brother Sigurd due to which his wrath for Ivar certainly elevated, and now Ubba will definitely want to take his revenge from Ivar. Halfdan also has a point to join Lagertha’s squad; his brother, Herald is an extremely powerful personality due to which Halfdan might feel that he could never fetch the limelight. Therefore, pairing up with Lagertha might turn out to be beneficial for him, and Halfdan might end up acquiring his own identity.
- We have already spoken about Lagertha’s possible demise in the forthcoming entry, and now it seems that Ivar will do his utmost to kill the character. He is even seen telling Halfdan that he’ll kill Lagertha. Therefore, Ivar’s wrath for his step mother can surely be witnessed in Vikings Season 5.
The next installment in the series will be all about bloodshed, and the scenarios are expected to be more engaging, fans, on the other hand, are expecting a lot from the fifth season of the historical drama series after watching its trailer. And we can certainly say that the makers of the show would live up to their expectations.
Vikings Season 5 has all the possibilities of becoming the most absorbing season of the historical drama series as the showrunners are surely mulling on adding quite a lot of twist to the plot line. And a nail-biting season would be an understatement if all the speculations mentioned above turn out to be true.
Vikings Season 5 Trailer
The fandom is being extremely impatient ever since the production of Vikings Season 5 had kicked-off, as they anxiously wait to get an idea of what is exactly ahead of them and how intriguing the plot line will be this time. The fans are also wanting to figure out whether the rumours regarding the series which are doing the rounds on the internet is actually going to happen or not. And if even a glimpse of Ragnar is seen in the trailer the fandom would have a reason to sigh as they don't want to witness his demise at any cost. And the news of Lagertha rising to power would also be something extremely interesting to look forward to. But if the news of Ragnar winning back the trusts of his sons becomes true then the plot line might take a totally different turn.
Last Words....
Nevertheless, the show runners have not yet come up with the official trailer of Vikings Season 5 yet but there are quite a few fan made trailers available online.